Friday, March 25, 2011


I believe that humans have 4 basic needs: biological needs (air, water, food, warmth etc), a home, education and healthcare. I believe that all people should have a right to these things.

Do we have the resources to house, feed, educate and provide healthcare to everyone?
I believe we do have those resources.
Why don't we do it?

There is a problem with doing that. If we did that, the population would explode. The resources of this planet are limited, so we need to control our numbers.

In fact, I think this is the first thing we should do before trying to make the world better, control the population. Having children should be a privilege, not a right. After the second child, one of the partners should be sterilized, as a law.

People don't think about it, but if they would feed Africa, it would get worse over time, because, for every mouth fed now, there will be two to feed (maybe in just one generation).

In 1800 there were 1 billion people on Earth. Now (2011) there are 7 billion people.

I think there is a need for population control in Africa and Asia. One way of doing it is by paying people to get sterilized. This would help much more than just feeding them.

If we would all live like Americans, we would need 3,5 planets. (source)
I think that a sane number of people on this planet would be between 2 and 3 billion, if we want to live decently. There were 3 billion people in 1960, I think that's a good number. Reducing our numbers can be done without violence or wars.

You should see this short video:
Jane Goodall - Overpopulation in the developing world

You should also see this documentary:
How many people can live on planet Earth?

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