Thursday, March 24, 2011

Life, the Universe and everything

Today I found some ticks on my dog. At that moment I said to myself: I wish there was a god. I really don't think that an intelligent god (much less a loving god) would create such a thing. I think that if god existed, the world would look much different, I think it would be a better place.

Life has one basic command: replicate. Well, that is what life really is, reproduction with heredity. There is no good or evil in that. If you can replicate by sucking blood, that's good enough. Replication, of course, leads to increasing numbers and the resources are finite, so, at one point or another, the struggle for life occurs, the struggle for resources. Suffering is a good incentive for that struggle, if organisms would not suffer, they would not struggle for life. So, life leads to suffering and also to violence between organisms.

From this on, my thoughts went to methods of avoiding parasites and diseases but I realized something: if conditions are good for human life, they are also good for parasites and diseases. In Antarctica there are not many parasites or diseases but there is also little life, mostly penguins.

Life conditions are very narrow. 99.9999 of the Universe is not suited for life. Exploring the Universe is much better done by machines than by humans. Machines don't need air, food, water, entertainment, sleep, warmth, socializing etc. Intergalactic distances are huge, even with the speed of light, a human life is not enough.

So, life is not appropriate for exploring the Universe, machines are much better at that. Probably any intelligent life in this Universe would arrive to the same conclusion and they probably would not bother going themselves in spaceships, but making intelligent robots who would explore the Universe for them. I think the peak of this would be designing space ships that replicate themselves. In a way, it could be said that they would be the life forms of the Universe.

Why aren't we seeing these robot driven space ships? Maybe intelligent life, capable of designing this, is extremely rare, or even non existent. Maybe they exist but don't want to do that or maybe intelligent life is doomed to destroy itself. Or maybe there are other obstacles I have not thought about.

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