Friday, March 25, 2011

Money (coloured paper)

To me, money is just coloured paper, and I think that is the perspective of reality.

Money is a religion, really. A religion is just a set of absurd beliefs shared by many people. Most people believe that some pieces of coloured paper have value. Those pieces of paper have value because we believe they have. If there is no belief in their value, they are worthless. If people didn't accept money in exchange for their products or services, money would not exist.

If you went to an isolated tribe and tried to give them money for things, they would not understand because, for them, money is just coloured paper. If there was a man on a deserted island, dying of hunger or of thirst, he would not need money, he could do nothing with it, except maybe burn it for warmth.

Money does have its use. It's more difficult to exchange goods (barter). In a perfect world, people would help each other but we don't live in a perfect world. People are mostly egotistic and that's only natural, evolution encourages selfishness and discourages altruism (except for kin altruism).

I think it's silly that most money is earned by doing nothing productive. Most money is earned by those who control money, the bankers.

The monetary system works like this: people go to banks and borrow money, which they have to give back with interest. Of course, the money to pay the interest does not exist yet, so, the money for interest needs to be earned from someone else, whose money is also borrowed (because all money is borrowed).

This system only works because of the time lag between borrowing and giving back. Money has to be constantly pumped into the market for people to be able to pay interests. If the amount of money remained constant, the economy would collapse. If everyone would go to pay their debts, not only there would not be any money left in circulation, there would still be debts to pay.

Inflation is a constant in the current monetary system and that is really like stealing. Imagine that someone has earned $1000 and he keeps them in his wallet. If he keeps that money in his wallet for a year, that money will have less value. For example, if the inflation was 2%, he would lose $20. It's really like someone stole them from his wallet.

I think there are two solutions for these money problems: interest free money or no money at all.

You should see these documentaries:
Money as debt
Money as debt II - promises unleashed

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