Friday, March 25, 2011


A long time ago I imagined a world, more like a city, really. It was a dome city, with domes of glass, each one having a different function, like an agricultural dome, an industrial dome, a park dome, a housing dome etc.

Before people would enter the city, they would go through a quarantine area, to check them for diseases. Inside the city there would be no diseases because nobody with a disease would be allowed to enter.

Having children would be a privilege, not a right and scientists would try to select the traits they want, such as intelligence, health etc. People with genetic diseases would be sterilized.

In that city there would be no money, everyone would have the same things, if they wanted to. Everyone would wear the same kind of clothes, clothes that would be as comfortable as possible. Every person would have the right to a room, so, if a family would have 2 children, there would be a 4 room apartment for them.

The amount of work needed would be divided between the people capable of work, so they would probably work much less than they do now. If it would be less work to be done, all people would work less time and they would have more time to spend with their families or to advance their knowledge.

The climate would be controlled and all year round there would be a constant spring. You could even live in the park if you wanted to, because it would always be warm and it would never rain, there would be sprinklers for that.

There would be a restaurant dome where everyone could eat, if they wanted to. So, people would never have to cook if they didn't want to. Meals would be recommended by doctors for each person's needs, so that they may be as healthy as possible. People's health would be monitored by computers.

Information would be free, everyone would have access to all human knowledge.

The educational system would concentrate on science and technology, because the purpose of this world would be to advance science and technology, so as to improve the world. There would be no need to learn languages, because there would be only one language in the world. This educational system would not encourage competition, but cooperation. There would not be grades and learning should be as interesting and engaging as possible. In fact, the main purpose of the education system would be to increase the curiosity and creativity of students, the exact opposite of what is done today, where the educational system discourages curiosity and creativity.

Art and music would not be frowned upon, they would be studied, along with philosophy and religions. Literature would be treated as entertainment, because that is exactly what it is. Writers did not write their books to torture children by analyzing them, they wrote them to bring joy to others.

Human history would be resumed like this: people have killed each other since the dawn of humans. That is what people have mostly done over the ages.

This city would encourage what I admire: physical simplicity and mental complexity.

Some years ago I found out about a more realistic world: the Venus Project.

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