Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I don’t believe there is an afterlife. If it exists, it’s relatively easy to prove. Someone from the afterlife can come to tell us that there is one. I know that there have been “after death experiences” but I don’t think they can be trusted, because the brain acts peculiarly in those moments. Plus, it seems that preconceived ideas have a big role in what those experiences portray. A Christian will have different experiences than a Hindu or people of any other religion. This seems odd, as most people think that their religion is right and other religions are wrong.

Just imagine that, one day, a ghost appears and tells us that there is an afterlife. Rationally, it’s difficult for ghosts to speak because sounds are vibrations of air, so they would have to interact with matter to be able to speak and they would need to have a body for that. Passing over these minor details, it would be easy to convince people that there is an afterlife, if there really was one. Well, it’s easy to convince people there is an afterlife even if there isn’t one, that’s wishful thinking.

Talking about ghosts, if they exist, why don’t they appear in daylight and just be there for anyone to see? Taking into account the number of dead people, there should be ghosts everywhere. And why would only people have ghosts? Why not other animals? Some would say that only humans have souls and some would even argue that not all humans have souls. How do they decide, I have no idea, but they usually say that serial killers have no souls. Well, mosquito ghosts would be pretty annoying, even more than real ones. Obviously, the world would be full of ghosts if every animal became a ghost after death.

Heaven and hell seem absurd to me. They are described as places of infinite happiness (heaven) or infinite suffering (hell). To me, they seem like places of infinite boredom and it’s only natural. Intelligent beings get bored eventually by the same things, over and over again. I think that if heaven exists, people would want to visit hell after a while, just to get out of the monotony of eternal life. Eternal life would probably be a hell any way you look at it and they say you can’t die in eternal life. The first billion years might be interesting but it just can’t go on forever.

There cannot be eternal happiness or eternal suffering because we adapt to our states and they become neutral.What brings suffering to someone may bring happiness to someone else. It has to do with what we're used to.

What would you do in heaven and hell, if they existed? Some people describe heaven as a place to worship God, and they are preparing thoroughly in this life to do exactly that, to worship. I don’t know about you, but I don’t fancy being a slave for eternity, not even for a little while.

People should not be punished because they did something wrong (this is revenge) but because they should not do it again. If a child does something that's undesirable, you may punish him so he may be deterred from doing that again. Hell does not punish to correct an undesired behaviour, it punishes as mindless revenge. This is one more reason why hell is absurd.

If any scientist arrived in heaven, he would probably try to understand how God works (at least I would try to).

Eternal life is just an expression of human greed in the context of the survival instinct.

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