Friday, April 8, 2011


Why am I here? Why am I not in some other country or even another planet?
Why am I here now? Why not in some other era?
Why am I a human? Why am I not some other animal or something else?
Why am I this human? Why not some other human?

We are biological machines and we have a natural programming. We are programed to feel separate, independent, autonomous. This is an illusion, because we depend on this planet for air, water, food, warmth. This planet can sustain life because of the Sun. The Sun is part of a galaxy, the galaxy is part of the Universe. We can live without an arm but we can't live without the Universe.

The Universe is the unity, we are part of it. We may feel separated but we are all one, not just humans, but other animals and plants, bacteria, even rocks and stars and planets. All that exists is part of the Universe.

There is no "I". I don't exist as a separate being, I am part of the whole, along with you and everyone else and everything else. We can't really destroy anything or create anything, this unity has always existed and will always exist in one form or another because energy can't be created, can't be destroyed, it can only be transformed. Matter is a condensed form of energy, so it too will exist forever in one form or another.

Our lives are a blink of an eye in the life of the Earth. The Earth is like a speck of dust in this enormous (maybe infinite) Universe.

If we are all one, why do we feel separated? Evolution favoured selfish genes. A brain that's aware of the unity has no survival advantage, on the contrary, it may even be fatal. When you know that nothing really matters, not life, nor death and this struggle is futile, the most important things in life become pointless. There's no point in struggling for survival if life and death are the same.

Memories help us form identities, if we lose our memories, our identities are also lost.

In many religions, through meditation, a communion with the Universe is achieved. This happens by deactivating a region of the brain. It seems that this region of the brain makes us feel separated.

Everything is an illusion, life and death, love and hate, pleasure and suffering, even reality. As Einstein said: "reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one".

Science tells us that all our atoms come from the center of a star, we are all made of star dust. We will live as long as the Universe, in one form or another. We are all one.

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