Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dissecting God

How would God know anything if there was nothing to learn?
How would God function?
Why would God create anything?
How would God decide what is good and what is evil?

Of course, any intelligent being must be highly organized, very complex. An intelligent being cannot be like a boulder. In fact, God should be infinitely complex. The chances for a being of infinite complexity to arise by chance, or to exist forever by chance, is infinitely small, that is zero. So, the chances for God to exist by chance are zero. This argument has been called by Dawkins “the ultimate Boeing 747 argument”. 

What are the options? The only other options that I know of are evolution and creation. An intelligent being can arise by evolution, we are a good example. God, if he exists, can have arisen by evolution, but only if there was a “supernatural selection”, with supernatural organisms struggling for supernatural life.

If God was created, his creator has to face the same “dissection” as he does, so this answer would not explain anything, as the concept of God does not explain anything.

How could a perfect being create something imperfect or even evil? Logically, a perfect being cannot create something imperfect, so the Universe was not created by a perfect being, as the Universe is not perfect, we are not perfect, the world is not perfect. Imperfection cannot arise from perfection.

I never understood the concept of Satan either. Why would he be bad? Of course, my argument that people are the way they are because of heredity and environment stands for Satan too. I see no logic for Satan to torture bad people, in fact, I think that, logically, Satan would treat nicely bad people and torture only the eventual good people who arrive in hell.

The argument from the existence of evil is very powerful. You know how it goes: if God is good and all-powerful, evil should not exist.

"Is he willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then is he impotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then is he malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?" - Epicurus

Another interesting thing is that all supernatural beings hide from us, which should seem highly suspicious to everyone. The answer is simple, supernatural beings don’t exist, that is why they seem to be hiding from us.

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